Time is such an important part of the LA dream journey.
In the beginning, everyone wants to know HOW LONG it will take to make things happen.
Many people spend years and years with no real success.
Some people put a time limit on their dreams. Like, "If I don't make it in 5 years, I'll move back home."
And then there's me.
I landed my first TV show within just two weeks.
I didn't wait years and years before seeing my own success. I also never put a time limit on my dreams.
How do you want to fit into those extremes?
Most likely, you want your success to happen as soon as possible. Obviously, I did, too.
So I want to share with you two techniques to speed up that time; to help you make progress faster.
These are techniques that I use all the time. And I've seen it work for others like a charm.
Essentially, they are solutions to problems that we encounter while going after that big dream job.
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