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In this video, you'll see that I recommend you join my exclusive online membership, LA Bounders that will help you seamlessly transition from moving to Los Angeles and landing your first industry dream job.
I know that right now, you may feel like you can do it alone. But as someone who did that, it honestly sucked. I'll never forget how scared I felt when I finally landed in LA. I was completely fine, cool as a cucumber leading up to that day. Even on the plane, I was full of excitement! But when that plane landed, and I had no real place to live yet, only 2 friends, and no job lined up, the tears started flowing.
That's why I created LA Bounders.
I don't want anyone to have to go through those scary, lonely times like I did.
And now that I have worked in the film industry for over 7 years, I know exactly what it takes to really break in and land a great job. It took several years to figure all that out. Fortunately, LA Bounders will save you from all those years of struggle.
To learn more and see exactly what you get with your membership, click the button below.
Moving to LA was such a big leap, especially because I didn't know anyone in the film industry. But I've had an incredible career, working on shows like Glee, Entourage, The Office, The Middle, Chasing Life, and about 2o others, including shows on all the networks listed below:
And in LA Bounders, you're going to get the exact steps I took to break into the industry and build an incredible dream career. One of my favorite things about working in Television, is working on the studio lots. I've had the pleasure of working on Universal, Warner Bros., Disney, but my absolute favorite is Paramount Studios. Every time I drive up to that lot, especially when I get to go through the main gate, I legit get butterflies. I mean, who gets to say that their JOB gives them butterflies?!
The coolest thing that you'll learn once you're in LA Bounders, is that you don't have to be *special* to be able to do this. I am just a girl from the suburbs of Philadelphia, a town 3,000 miles away from LA, with no original connections. If I can do it, you definitely can! The steps that you'll learn can be applied to anyone and any dream career.
So whether you want to be an Actor, a Cinematographer, a Director, a Writer, an Artist, or anything else your heart desires, the LA Bound system works. Period. I have members in all different fields, of all different levels, applying these techniques. I know that you can do it, too. It doesn't matter if you're moving to LA within a year, within 3-6 months, or within a week. This membership will have you covered every step of the way.