How To Get A "Day" Job in LA

There is really only ONE thing you need to know about getting a "day" job, in order to find success in your dream job.

You may be freaking out or just plain worried about finding a job in LA. 

I completely understand: we are used to the idea of stability, and without it, we don't know how to function.

The thing is, that fear usually sends us down the wrong path. Or at least stops us from going down the dream path.

That's why I want to share this ONE important thing with you. If you do this one thing, it will save you from going down the wrong path. It will help you actually achieve your dream career. 

Ready for it? 

I feel like I'm always writing "drum roll" in my emails and blogs. 

Apparently I like to get you on the edge of your seat!

(Erica, just get on with it, will you???)

Ok, Ok.

So the ONE thing you need in terms of finding a "day" job is FLEXIBILITY.

When you're searching for a day job in LA, you should look for something with flexible hours.

Whether it's a job that has you working nights, or allows you to make your own hours, you need a job that leaves plenty of time to work on your dream career. 

If you're really passionate about your dream, and you know exactly what you want to do, you need to be working towards it EVERY DAY. It's kind of like a full-tim job in itself.

When you're day job is a 9-5 job, you have very little time to focus on your dream. 

Let's say you want to be an actor. Most auditions occur during the day. If you have a 9-5 job, you'll NEVER be able to go on auditions. Let's say you work in this 9-5 job for 2 years. That means 2 years are going by without any auditions. Your dream would be delayed by 2 years.

I know it feels scary to go after a job that doesn't have typical daytime hours. But you have to step outside your zone of comfort in order to make your dreams happen. You can still have the stability you crave, you're just creating it in a slightly different way. Let's call it "outside-the-box stability"

There are several jobs that can give you this outside-the-box stability where you get paid every week (or every other week). Here is a list to get you started:

Driving for Lyft - highly recommend this because you can literally make your own hours and they advertise that you can make $35/hr

Bartending/Serving - you can score the evening shifts, and always have people who can cover you when you have an important meeting

Nanny/Babysit - just be careful about the hours

Driving for Instacart - similar to Lyft/Uber, but for groceries

Online Business - affiliate marketing, or your own brand, this can become passive income which is the best kind of income!

Write Books for Amazon - it's easy peasy to get your own book up there, so start making money!

Freelance services - writing, graphics, web development, etc. can be your own hours, but usually have deadlines

Sell stuff on Ebay - seriously, you can make mad money doing this


This list is just to get you started. There are many other opportunities to find a flexible job. Try to keep an open mind, and focus on day jobs that allow time for you to work on your dream. 

Your dream job should be full-time whether or not you've landed the position. It's easy to spend your day watching TV or goofing around, but if you really want to make your dream career happen, you have to make it a priority every single day. You should be working towards your goals, making connections, practicing your craft, and creating your own opportunities. 

Don't get stuck in a 9-5 day job. I've seen it happen so many times, where people completely dismiss their dreams because they are too busy with their day job. Remind yourself why you're moving to LA, or you moved here. I bet it wasn't to get stuck in a day job. 

It's important to remember that these day jobs are temporary. I know they may not excite you, but before you know it, you'll be making money from your dream job, and you can kick the day job to the curb. The day job is just a step to help you get closer to your dreams. 


Erica Wernick