Podcast #28: Developing Movies + How to get around LA without a car

This episode I'm chatting with Justin Vesci, Director of Development at Silver Lion Films. He shares with us his interesting career path and what it takes to find success in LA. (Yes, that sometimes includes valeting at a sex club.) #hardcore #punny

Justin also mentions his own production company called 814 productions, and just in case you want to be in on the inside joke, 814 is the Penn State phone area code! What whaaattt.


Even though it can be tough breaking into your dream career, and even though we did some complaining this episode, it's sill UH-mazing getting to finally get to do what you want to do every day, and totally worth it. 

Some sites Justin mentions that you can check out to apply for these jobs are: 


UTA Job list

Oh, and in case you're just dying to see Justin's sippy cup from Chuck E Cheese:

Ok, now for the public transportation part! If Justin can do it, you can do it. :)

The bus costs $1.75, and you can get a Tap Card that lets you add money, instead of using tokens. Here is a pic of my Tap Card:

You can also use NextBus.com that will tell you when the next bus is coming. It uses your GPS on your phone to let you know the closest stop to where you are located.

Here is a handy dandy map that I created that shows the gridded streets of Hollywood. 

A while back, all the way on the show notes for Podcast #2, Justin gave a super honest breakdown of the LA neighborhoods. You can check that out here.

Oh, and hey, join us in our exclusive online community! You can click the Members Only button at the top right corner, or you can just click here.

You can follow Justin's shenanigans on social media: Instagram & Twitter @lvfstdieawesome

Erica Wernick